K Y E   G R A N T 


︎  Planet Lloyd
︎   Crosswalk Fantasy
︎  Department of Public Dance
︎  Shadow Infrastructure
︎  Hi-Viz Spectacular
︎  Invocation of the Crosswalk
︎︎︎   Elevator Sequence
︎  Social Souvenirs
︎  Jennifer Vanilla
︎  The Ridgewood Eye
︎   Master Cactus
︎  Home Music Videos
︎  I Was in a Band
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︎  4 Great Hits

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︎  Radio & DJ Mixes

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︎  kyealive@gmail.com @kyealive

︎  Jennifer in Times Square 
Self-Appointed Artist Residency in Times Sq, New York City
Originally broadcast on Instagram Stories
Exhibited at Lamar Dodd School of Art, University of Georgia 

In the summer of 2018, I became a self-appointed Artist in Residence on the streets of Times Square in New York City. Playing spy and citizen journalist, I wandered into unlocked buildings, eavesdropped on tourists, opened the stage door to Waitress The Musical, sang with a street entertainer, drank at the last remaining neighborhood dive bar, received reiki on a public bench, performed a daily greeting ritual with a network of public surveillance cameras, and followed an investigative rabbit hole that led to seeing to the worst and longest running Off-Broadway play of all time. This investigative report, documented daily and broadcast to my followers via Instagram Stories, culminated in a ten video exhibit at Lamar Dodd School of Art at University of Georgia, curated by Forest Kelley. Notes of a J.I.R., an excerpt of which you can find below, was a diary of daily reports I jotted down during or after each outing. 

by Chase Porter

Earthcam Greeting Ritual

Notes of a J.I.R. (Jennifer in Residence)
Tue Aug 14 2018

Went back to my new favorite diner, Applejack Restaurant. I asked for cake. He asked what kind. I settled for Coconut Lemon (a fresh, beautiful cake, not yet cut). I watched him slice it. It was a sweet cake. Fit for a wedding. When I paid at the counter I asked, What does it take to get your picture on the wall here? The place is lined with framed 8x10 headshots of mostly unknown actors.
        “You want a picture? You bring a picture, we will hang it.”
         “Ok, I will.”
        “You know Jackie Mason?” (I pretended to agree) “He’s here, outside right now. Nice guy. You want me to introduce you?”
        “Let me gather my things,” I said, and headed to the restroom, where I googled Jackie Mason.
An ancient comedian. Born 1931. #63 Best Comic according to Comedy Central.
I walked back out and found the host surrounded by a new set of guests wanting a seat at his restaurant. 
        “See you next time,” I said.
        “Bring your picture!”
On my way out, I turned to look at the outside patio— where was Jackie Mason?— and sure enough, a group of five or six middle aged New Yorkers were circled round an old man with taut, paper-thin, facelifted skin and garishly dyed red hair. As I raised my hand to adjust my hat, I inadvertently caught the eye of one of Jackie’s cohorts. The man looked at me, and waved hello, like he knew me. And at this point, that is my goal.


by Chase Porter

Jennifer en Plein Square, Lamar Dodd School of Art

︎ Times Square Transmissions: The Lot Radio
Jennifer Intervention on a Brooklyn-based radio station during its residency inside a vacant storefront in Times Square.
Broadcast live during a set by DJ Voices and Unscented DJ on thelotradio.com webcam

︎ Spying on Jennifer
Photographed by Ashley Boman

Assisted by Emma Rogers

︎ Wish You Were Jennifer 
Photographs by Ashley Boman
Postcards designed by Becca Kauffman