Civic Movement Agency
Portland, OR

Department of Public Dance is a civic agency that frames dance as a public utility through the hosting of weekly public dance happenings. These dance happenings mostly take place at various locations inside Lloyd Center Mall in Portland, Oregon. The one hour dances are an open invitation to shoppers and passersby to join the Public Acts of Dance Company, an accessible and expandable troupe of people dancing in public. To join, all you have to do is dance.
Dances have taken place in front of the former Hollister, the defunct Champs, the food court, the vacant Marshall’s, and the old Spencer Gifts. Public Dance 1 was published as a flip book and is for sale at Floating World, Hi Books, and Musique Plastique in Portland.
Watch video excerpts of each Public Dance at @deptofpublicdance.

Public Dance 1

Public Dance 3

Public Dance 4

Public Dance 5

Public Dance 6

Public Dance 7

Public Dance 8

Public Dance 9
Public Dance 10