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Music has been written for plants. Music has been written for cats. But has music been written for crosswalks? Simply, no. Music for Crosswalks is a one of a kind compilation that seeks to remedy this. You are invited to compose a 1 minute song to accompany the pedestrians of Portland as they cross the street.
While walk signal sonics generally involve a computer generated click, beep, or tone (where’s the humanity in that?), Music for Crosswalks proposes a new soundtrack: one that revitalizes the social imagination and creates the opportunity for strangers to synchronize their movement in public.
Music for Crosswalks will initially be shared as a digital compilation available on streaming platforms. Its ultimate destination is an audio installation at the crosswalk itself. Maybe one crosswalk, maybe many— we'll see what PBOT says! Songs are made to last the duration of a walk signal (appx 30 sec) and written at a tempo within the average walking bpm (125-140 beats per minute).
Note: In the event this project is greenlit as a bonified walk signal installation, songs will likely need to be revised to adapt to PBOT’s specifications. Please be prepared to make those revisions.
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Sounds of Crosswalk in Some Parts of the World
.WAV file of:
1 minute version for digital compilation
30 second version for future crosswalk installation
Your song soundtracks the travel distance from one side of the street to the other. Your audience is a person or people crossing the street. The average walk signal lasts approximately 10 seconds, so it may be wise to compose a ten second loop that can repeat three times so that your piece can be heard in its entirety on one single crossing. We can discuss logistics.
Your song should have a lyrical + vocal component in line with the themes of moving in public. Make sure the content of your song is appropriate for ears of all ages.
Some examples: movement, travel, walking, wheeling, crossing the street, safety, cooperation, trust, coordination, synchronization, coexistence, dancing, commuting, talking to strangers, the relationship of cars, bikes, and pedestrians.
Conceptual and Musical References
Plantasia by Mort Garson
Souris Calle, compilation of songs written for artist Sophie Calle’s dead cat (fave track: Juliette Armanet, Cool Cat)
Worried Noodles, songs based on the work of David Shrigley (fave tracks: Phil Elvrum-Whatcha Doing, David Byrne-For You)
Really Rosie by Carole King (fave tracks: Pierre, My Simple Humble Neighborhood)
Free to Be You and Me “My Dog is a Plumber”
Beach Boys, Vegetable
Tooryanse (the traditional Japanese children’s song played at crosswalks throughout Japan)*
Destination/Future Use
Digital streaming
Exhibitions at, around, or about crosswalks around the globe
Playback or Installation at one or more walk signals in the U.S. or internationally
*Tooryanse, English translation
Pass Through, Pass Through
You may go in, you may enter
Which way is this narrow pathway?
This is the narrow pathway of the Tenjin shrine
Please allow me to go through
Those without good reason shall not pass
To celebrate the 7th birthday of this child
We've come to dedicate our offering
Going in is easy, but returning is scary
It's scary, but
You may go in, You may pass through
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