

︎  About

︎  Planet Lloyd
︎   Crosswalk Fantasy

︎  Department of Public Dance
︎  Shadow Infrastructure
︎  Hi-Viz Spectacular
︎  Invocation of the Crosswalk
︎︎︎   Elevator Sequence
︎  Social Souvenirs
︎  Jennifer Vanilla
︎  The Ridgewood Eye
︎   Master Cactus
︎  Home Music Videos
︎  I Was in a Band
︎  Housekeeping
︎  4 Great Hits

︎  Music for Crosswalks
︎  Conversations
︎  Radio & DJ Mixes

︎  Press


︎  kyealive@gmail.com @kyealive

︎ Jennifers on Jennifer
Ongoing interview series
Two self-identifed Jennifers talk about what Jennifer means to them.  
Filmed by Emma Callahan in the greenroom of Elsewhere after a Jennifer Vanilla performance in Brooklyn, NY.

Jennifers on Jennifer

A conversation between myself and Jennifer Mystique, a person I met on karaoke night at Metropolitan Bar in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, who also named herself Jennifer.