K Y E   G R A N T 


︎  Planet Lloyd
︎   Crosswalk Fantasy
︎  Department of Public Dance
︎  Shadow Infrastructure
︎  Hi-Viz Spectacular
︎  Invocation of the Crosswalk
︎︎︎   Elevator Sequence
︎  Social Souvenirs
︎  Jennifer Vanilla
︎  The Ridgewood Eye
︎   Master Cactus
︎  Home Music Videos
︎  I Was in a Band
︎  Housekeeping
︎  4 Great Hits

︎  Music for Crosswalks
︎  Interviews with People
︎  Radio & DJ Mixes

︎  Press


︎  kyealive@gmail.com @kyealive

︎  Exercise in Humility
A t-shirt meditation on how to practice humility (or not)
Accompaniment to the Jennifer Vanilla song, “Humility’s Disease,” from Castle in the Sky
T-shirts fabricated and available for purchase upon request.