

︎  About

︎  Planet Lloyd
︎   Crosswalk Fantasy

︎  Department of Public Dance
︎  Shadow Infrastructure
︎  Hi-Viz Spectacular
︎  Invocation of the Crosswalk
︎︎︎   Elevator Sequence
︎  Social Souvenirs
︎  Jennifer Vanilla
︎  The Ridgewood Eye
︎   Master Cactus
︎  Home Music Videos
︎  I Was in a Band
︎  Housekeeping
︎  4 Great Hits

︎  Music for Crosswalks
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︎  Radio & DJ Mixes

︎  Press


︎  kyealive@gmail.com @kyealive

︎  Master Cactus Audio Cassette Magazine 
Sound art publication
Three issues self-released on cassette tape

Inspired by a personal fascination and fondness for field recordings, found sound, and the 1980s audio art publication Tellus Audio Cassette Magazine, I curated a three-issue cassette tape publication that featured audio experiments by painters, sculptors, comedians, illustrators, musicians, writers, performance artists, and one astrologer from around the globe. Participants were encouraged to deviate from their usual materials and apply their creative efforts to the medium of sound. Brooklyn-based artist and friend Marie Demple designed the covers and layout. Together we held public listening parties for Issues #1 and #2 at the Brooklyn DIY arts space Silent Barn and Topos Bookstore in Ridgewood, Queens. My research during the project led to a connection with New York sound artist Gen Ken Montgomery, who drew from his international network of sonic experimenters to guest-curate the final issue. I promoted the magazine with self-produced video infomercials. It was stocked at independent music and book stores around New York City.

︎ LISTEN: Issue 1. Issue 2. Issue 3



Issue 1                                                                                                               

Issue 2